Feb 26, 2022, Drug Conviction in Washington? The State May Owe you Money!

Home - Drug Charges - Feb 26, 2022, Drug Conviction in Washington? The State May Owe you Money!

Feb 26, 2022, Drug Conviction in Washington? The State May Owe you Money!

When the Washington State Supreme Court, in State v. Blake, invalidated ever drug possession conviction ever because the law was illegal, they also required that the courts refund people any legal financial obligations they may have paid under the unfair drug statues they were convicted under. Hi my name is attorney Stefanie Dorn, I’m an expungement lawyer in Washington, and I almost didn’t believe it either until my client got their first check in the mail with a full refund for all the legal financial obligations they have paid.

It is a progressive area of law; it is getting much more progressive. People have paid thousands and thousands of dollars, it’s amazing the amount of court fees that are associated with any criminal charge, and the courts have specifically allocated money to this, and the process can even pay for itself sometimes. So, if you have any questions or would like to talk more about a refund of your legal financial obligations, please give my office a call. Thank you.


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